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Beautiful Antique Pearl Ring Mountings

May 11, 2017

Pearls are beautiful creations of nature. People have been using them for decoration for ages. One of the most common accessories made from this material are pearl rings. There are numerous different styles and mountings for pearl rings. However, to get a truly timeless piece of jewelry which will hold its value and never go out of style, you need to look at some of the more traditional, antique style pearl ring mountings.

Halo pearl rings

Even though this trend is not exactly old or antique, it does emulate the old eras of jewelry perfectly. Essentially, a halo pearl ring is a ring with a centrally mounted pearl. The pearl is surrounded by a circle of small diamonds. These diamonds complement the ring superbly, while not taking away the spotlight from the pearl.
Yellow gold ring centered with a white pearl and diamond halo.

A different take in halo pearl rings

Pearls can vary greatly in size. This is why there is so much variety in pearl jewelry. For instance, halo rings usually have a centrally mounted pearl, with smaller gems surrounding it. However, there are some instances of opposite; a large, centrally-mounted gemstone surrounded by a circle of small delicate pearls. When designing this kind of ring, the jewelers need to be careful to select adequate gems, as well as the precious metal, in order to have some color balance in the ring itself.

Double pearl rings

Some pearl rings have two pearls instead of one. This enables the designer to play with the design, as well as with colors. A commonly chosen design for this kind of rings are two opposite pearls; for instance a milky white and a jet black pearl on a white gold band. These rings can further be adorned with diamonds or other suitable gemstones, but the main appeal of these rings is contrast.
White gold ring set with diamonds, white, and Tahitian pearls.

Simple pearl rings

Perhaps the most numerous group of pearl rings are the simple single pearl gold rings. These can still be stunning in their simplicity and craftsmanship without the need for extra ornaments and elaborate mountings. People who are looking to wear their antique pearl ring will often choose a simpler design for the sake of flexibility. The less complicated the design, the more applications and combinations you can find for it.
White gold ring set with white pearls.

Mother-of-pearl rings

If you aren’t comfortable with the prominence that inevitably comes with having a spherical pearl on a ring, but you are enamored with the look of pearls, there is a niche for you as well. Mother-of-pearl is a material which coats the inside of mollusk shells, pearl oysters, freshwater pearl mussels, and abalone oysters. It is also the material which gives pearls their distinctive iridescence. Since it is found on the insides of shells, it can be cut or carved into a variety of shapes, rather than being restricted to the natural shape of a round pearl.
Pearl rings are a very versatile kind of jewelry. They can be seen at the most elegant of events, comfortable around diamonds and gold, but can also be viewed as an everyday item, compatible with your daily life. However, before you go in and buy an antique pearl ring, it is worth your while to get to know some basic things about pearls.

Find a Quality Vintage or Antique Pearl Ring in San Diego

If you are looking to buy a pearl ring, or any other piece of jewelry in San Diego, visit Leo Hamel Fine Jewelry & Engagement Ring Store. Our showroom and jewelry store on San Diego Avenue is the biggest jewelry store in San Diego. Our knowledgeable and helpful staff will assist you in finding that perfect piece that makes you smile.

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