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Does Diamond Size Matter when it comes to Engagement Rings?

September 19, 2017

As a hopeful groom-to-be, you must have many questions about shopping for the engagement ring. One of the questions we get asked most often is this: How big should the diamond be?
It may sound silly, but in reality – it’s a serious question. What would indeed be silly is if you typed ‘’diamond engagement rings near me’’ in the search bar, walked straight to the first store you found and bought the first ring you liked. How would you know you have chosen the right diamond size for the engagement ring? What if it turns out to be too big? Or worse, what if it looks too small?
There’s no need to despair, though. Read on to find out the average diamond size for engagement rings, as well as other tips for picking out the right size.

Average diamond size for engagement rings

Surprisingly enough, what we would call an ‘’average diamond size’’ in the U.S. would not be the same as in Europe or in Singapore. In the U.S., 1.00 carat is widely considered to be the average diamond size for an engagement ring. You can hardly go wrong by choosing a 1.00 carat diamond.
However, what we now perceive as average may be considered small in the very near future. There is a logical explanation for that. As the society is becoming more affluent, the average salary grows. You probably already know about the ‘’2 months’ salary’’ guideline when it comes to price; with higher salaries comes more money to spend on that special ring. Even now, it’s not uncommon to see engaged women wearing a 2.00 carat diamond ring.
Still, you don’t have to conform to these ‘’rules.’’ The ‘’2 months’ salary’’ guideline was devised by a diamond mogul to boost diamond sales and has long been considered outdated anyway. If you want to make a truly personal choice, you would have to know a few things about your future fiancée.
Woman holding coffee cup featuring her diamond engagement ring.

Her finger size

You have to be objective about this. If your lady has large fingers, you would have to buy a bigger ring so that it flatters her fingers. For smaller fingers, you don’t want to go for a ring that would look gaudy and oversized. Since you are unlikely to know your girlfriend’s exact finger size, you can ask a friend, someone whose hands are approximately the same size as your girlfriend’s, to go shopping with you and try on a few different diamond sizes. That’s how you can see for yourself and not rely on numbers that may only confuse you.

Never sacrifice cut for size

If you’re not familiar with the 4Cs – Cut, Carat, Color and Clarity of a diamond – you should know that the cut is the most important feature. It directly affects the way the light will reflect from the diamond – a feature that makes diamonds so special in the first place.
So, remember – size matters but cut matters more. However, clarity and color also affect the appearance of the diamond. Price is a combination of all of the 4 Cs, and going higher in one of the Cs might mean going lower in another of the Cs. For example, if you go for a decent clarity rating such as SI1 or SI2 rather than a higher one of VS1 or VS2, then you could choose a bigger diamond for the same price.
Loose white diamonds in all the various cuts.

How to make a diamond look bigger

Almost by default, all engagement rings have a center stone, in this case, a diamond, along with other smaller gemstones. In some cases, the center stone is the only gemstone featured on the ring – called a solitaire. Either way, the center stone is the most important element of an engagement ring. This is why, naturally, most people think that the bigger the center stone, the more extravagant the ring.
Still, there are various settings that make the center stone appear larger than it is. For example, the halo setting creates an illusion of a bigger center stone and – a more luxurious ring.

Some like it…not

It may be unthinkable to some, but engagement rings don’t have to be flashy to turn heads. There are sophisticated diamond cuts that refract the light so beautifully, while the stone itself is not what we would call big.
What’s more, there are women who simply don’t like conspicuous jewelry. If your loved one is wearing delicate pieces (such as stud earrings and not, say, large diamond hoops), perhaps she would feel more comfortable wearing a delicate diamond. After all, she will wear her engagement ring every day – it should be something she would wear with a smile.

Is there a reliable diamond engagement ring dealer near me?

If you are from San Diego, you are in luck! Leo Hamel Fine Jewelry & Engagement Ring Store has been San Diego’s trusted jeweler for nearly four decades. Renowned for its exquisite jewelry collection and professional staff of Graduate Gemologists, Leo’s is the place where you will find an expert to advise you and offer a wide choice of new and vintage diamond engagement rings. Stop by our showroom on San Diego Avenue to find a ring both you and your beloved will fall in love with!

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