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Why Buying a Pre-Owned Watch Is a Great Idea

March 8, 2017

If you are interested in high-end watches, you know that the prices can be quite astonishing. After all, the exquisite designs, supreme quality craftsmanship and the perceived value all factor in the final price, and rightfully so. However, there is a great way of getting your dream watch at a lower price. We’re talking about pre-owned watches.

Some people are hesitant when it comes to second-hand goods, not wanting to own something that previously belonged to someone else. Still, a pre-owned car is a common thing to buy, so why not a watch? Especially if it is a fine luxury watch!
Check out why buying a pre-owned watch is an excellent choice if you want to get a genuine watch at a more affordable price.

Resale value

The price, an important factor when it comes to buying a watch, can be reduced drastically between the new and the pre-owned piece of the same model manufactured by the same company. This is called depreciation, and it doesn’t affect only watches but pretty much everything, from homes to cars. Generally speaking, the perceived value of a watch that has already been owned tends to decrease in comparison with the not-previously-owned watch.
After the initial drop in value due to depreciation from new to not-new, the value of the watch stabilizes, and can potentially even rise again if that particular model becomes collectible. This means that the difference between the buying price and the selling price is much lower with buying and selling a pre-owned watch than it is with buying a new watch.
Luxury watches which bank on design are usually not heavily affected by depreciation. Cartier watches, for instance, have some of the most iconic and instantly recognizable designs in the market. We recently wrote about the Cartier brand and its place in the high-end watch market. You can expect a pre-owned Cartier watch to be relevant and fresh for years and years to come.
Pre-owned Cartier watch in yellow gold and stainless steel with a roman numeral dial.

A wider selection

If you opt for buying a new watch, you can generally know what brands fall into your ballpark. The price and the style you are looking for will determine the brands that are open to you. However, your options are greater if you choose to go pre-owned. A watch that might be out of reach when new could now be in your price range as pre-owned. So, just one bold decision is enough to widen your playing field drastically and potentially let you purchase a watch that you thought you could only dream of owning.

Same quality

There can be some concern about the mechanical and visual soundness of a pre-owned watch. It brings up images of a used car with mysterious stains on the floor mats or a prior accident having been covered up. But fine watches are made from fine materials that can be refurbished to look and perform as new. Metals such as steel and gold can be refinished to remove scratches and restore the original factory finish. Watch movements can be overhauled, cleaning and lubricating all parts to run like new again. But not all pre-owned watch dealers have the same skills to refurbish fine watches!
Pre-owned Cartier watch in stainless steel with a diamond case and rectangle roman
numeral dial.
At Leo Hamel’s, we’ve been reconditioning pre-owned watches to look like new for over 37 years. Unless the watch is a true antique, only you will know that you didn’t buy it new. Anyone else looking at the watch will assume that it’s new.
Compare our pre-owned watches with those from private parties or other dealers and we know you’ll agree that you get a better looking and running watch at Leo’s!

Collectible watches

Collectible watches are a special category of pre-owned watches. These pieces have earned the status of a very desirable item, despite (or precisely due to) their age or rarity. Fine watches tend to be made in smaller quantities, and the longer ago they were made, the fewer are still in existence. Some models become desirable because they were worn by mega-celebrities or significant historical characters. In this case, the price of a pre-owned watch can be tremendously more expensive than when it was purchased new, as these collectible watches do not depreciate, but rather gain value every year.
If you buy a pre-owned watch which then becomes a collectible at some point, you are potentially sitting on a true golden goose. However, you can’t really know when and if a watch will achieve collectible status so buy the watches that you admire and enjoy wearing.
At Leo Hamel’s, we feel that pre-owned watches are a great way for more customers to own some truly amazing timepieces. If you are looking for a pre-owned Cartier watch in San Diego, visit our jewelry store on San Diego Avenue. With the help of our fantastic staff, we believe that we can pair you with your ideal pre-owned (or new) watch.

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