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Highly Valuable Coins You May Already Own and Not Even Know It!

March 3, 2017

Was one of your family members a passionate numismatist, but their priceless coin collection is now locked away to gather dust? Well, maybe it’s time to brush the dust off as one of their coins could literally be worth a fortune.

Don’t believe us?

Here are some of the most valuable coins you might already own and not even know their worth.

Close-up of American silver dollars from the late 1800’s.

1895 Morgan Silver Dollar

This coin is often referred to as the King of Morgan Dollars. Averaging around $28,786 in lower than mint condition, this coin is a very rare find. In fact, you are more likely to come across a forgery than the real deal, as original coins are very rare. There are only 880 mint versions of this coin in circulation from the original 12,000, and if the mint mark is missing, it is likely a forgery or a replica. While a worn coin is valuable in itself, a mint version of this coin could be worth up to $70,000.

1896 O Morgan Silver Dollar

This is one of those coins that can puzzle someone not familiar with numismatics. While a worn out coin is rather easy to find and can be purchased for as little as $30, a certified mint copy of this coin can be worth up to $100,000. Around 4.9 million of these coins were issued back in 1976. But in its original state, the coin is among the rarest finds. A certified mint issue of this coin is today worth as much as a sports car.

1895 O Morgan Silver Dollar

The predecessor of the previous entry, the 1895 Morgan silver dollar is much more valuable, even in rough shape. In mint shape, however, its price can go up to $120,000. There’s an interesting story behind it as well. Back in 1985, the New Orleans Mint was tasked with producing as many silver dollars as they could within a very short deadline. Therefore, the craftsmanship of this coin is rather terrible. The coins were hence stored and many of them melted until they were finally released into circulation and their value skyrocketed due to high demand.

1892 S Morgan Silver Dollar

Despite the coin being very valuable in certified mint condition or even in worn grades, the 1892 S Morgan Silver Dollar was never particularly popular among numismatists. The coin is very common in worn out condition, while a mint specimen could cost up to $130,000.

1886 O Morgan Silver Dollar

This 1886 dollar is particularly difficult to put a price tag on, and even the most expert numismatists have a hard time appraising this rare coin. However, in mint condition, its price is estimated to be around $140,000, while the same coin in average condition can be found for as little as $40. Similarly to the 1895 Morgan dollar, the craftsmanship of this particular coin seems to be rather sloppy. It is also worth mentioning that a forgery derived from the 1886 Philadelphia dollar has been in circulation, although it is not that common. To recognize the forgery, look closely at the added “O”.

Are You Looking to Sell Sterling Silver Coins in San Diego?

Do you think you might have one of these priceless coins locked up in the attic? Looking for an expert to determine the price of the coin or make sure it’s not a forgery? If so, stop by Leo Hamel Jewelry Buyers. The staff at our luxurious jewelry buying office will help with any doubts you might have and give you a reasonable price for these rare coins. Come by anytime we’re open, no appointment is necessary! Check www.leohamel.com/locations for hours and the Jewelry Buyers office location nearest you.

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