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Selling Your Gold: The Opportunity of the Decade

August 30, 2011

You’ve undoubtedly heard that the price of gold is hitting record highs these days. Six years ago, even six months ago, nobody would’ve thought that gold would be selling at over $1,800 an ounce today!

Gold prices have actually been on the rise by an average of 20% each year for the past decade. Prior to 2008, when the value of gold started rising more rapidly, the record high was $850 an ounce, achieved on January 21st, 1980. Over 30 years later, it hit an all-time peak of $1,913.50 per ounce on August 23rd, 2011. Even some market experts didn’t expect that!

Since then the price has been hovering around $1800/ounce, which is still incredible considering that three months ago it was $300 less. The skyrocketing price of this precious metal has opened a window of opportunity for those who own any kind of gold.

Whatever kind of gold you have—gold jewelry, bullion (gold bars), coins, even broken jewelry—you can sell it to us at any one of our Leo Hamel Jewelry Buyers locations and receive the highest possible price according to today’s market.

Pile of scrap gold jewelry with text “Gold Prices Going Through the Roof! Sell your gold to us today! Leo Hamel Fine Jewelry Buyers give the highest value and pay you immediately.”Since gold hit a record high last week and no one knows if or when it will ever be worth that much again, NOW is the time to sell your gold valuables to us in order to cash in before the value goes down! We buy any new, old or broken gold jewelry—rings, bracelets, earrings, chains, pendants, pins—as well as tooth fillings, coins, bullion, industrial scrap, silver, platinum, fine watches, and more.

Our friendly staff of graduate gemologists is highly knowledgeable about all types of jewelry and precious metals, and each transaction is secure and confidential. We understand that selling valuables can be difficult and emotional, and never stoop to pressure tactics.

Look through your valuables today to discover whether you’ve got any items that you’d like to exchange for some extra cash this summer. Leo Hamel Jewelry Buyers pays you the highest possible price immediately. Or use the total value of your items as credit toward buying the jewelry or watch of your dreams in our jewelry showroom!  As an added bonus, we’ll give you 10% more as a trade-in value if you decide to trade rather than sell.

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