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Showstopping Sapphires for September

September 16, 2023

September babies are some of the lucky few who have a wide selection of birthstones to claim as their own. A variety of the corundum mineral, the sparkling sapphire is the birthstone for this lovely fall month. Most people envision the color blue when thinking of this gemstone, but there are actually several colors to choose from. Next to diamonds, the sapphire is one of the most popular and durable gemstones. Whether you’re looking to treat yourself to a birthday present or purchase a gift for a September-born friend or loved one, sapphire jewelry is an excellent choice.

History of Sapphires

There is a great deal of myth and lore regarding sapphires. The name sapphire is derived from “sapphirus,” the Greek word for blue. The ancient Greeks believed that sapphires were connected to the spirit world. They’re most often associated with the god Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy. Those who practiced sorcery believed that sapphires could grant them access to enlightenment and higher consciousness. Ancient Persian civilizations believed that blue sapphires were remnants of a pedestal upon which the earth stood, the reflection of which gave the sky its blue coloring. Sapphires have long been a symbol of divine wisdom and purity, which is why the gemstone was often reserved for members of clergy, high priests, and kings. The sapphire was even regarded as a holy stone by the Catholic church.

Sapphires have long been associated with royalty and have been worn by kings and queens throughout history for their powerful defensive properties. As far back as biblical tales, King Solomon and Abraham were believed to have worn talismans fashioned with sapphire. The stone is also often associated with the British Royal Family. Queen Elizabeth II had a collection of sapphire jewelry, pieces of which once belonged to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. She was frequently pictured in a sapphire necklace and earring set gifted to her by her father, King George VI. In addition, Prince Charles famously gave Princess Diana a sapphire engagement ring which is now worn by Prince William’s bride Catherine, the Princess of Wales.

The world’s largest gem quality blue sapphire was unearthed in Sri Lanka and was given the name Star of India. Though it once belonged to banker J.P. Morgan, this magnificent gem is now housed in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The Star of India is said to be cursed. It was once stolen from the museum in the 1960’s by a group of burglars who made off with the sapphire and a handful of other precious gems, though luckily the sapphire was later recovered. Sapphires are most frequently mined in India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Australia, Brazil, and China. However, the world’s largest sapphire trading center is in Thailand. Here in North America, Montana mines are known for producing delicately hued yellow and pink as well as cornflower blue sapphires – the purest blue colored variation of the sapphire.

Along with being prized as September’s gemstone, sapphires are given to commemorate 5th, 45th, and 70th wedding anniversaries.

Now that you’re familiar with the history of sapphires, and their unique properties, there’s only one question left to ask yourself – what color sapphire should you choose?

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The Rainbow of Sapphires

The most popular color of sapphires is blue, but the September birthstone comes in shades of the entire rainbow. From blue, to pink, to yellow and more, each different colored sapphire holds a different meaning. Depending on who you’re shopping for, the color you choose can make the gift even more special.

Blue Sapphires

Blue is the most popular and well-known color of sapphires. This color of the September birthstone can be found in shades running from light blue to a dark, vivid violet. Blue sapphires have been held in high regard for many centuries, and as previously mentioned, are typically associated with royalty. They are also considered to be symbols of love, loyalty, wisdom, and power. Treat any September baby to a gift of blue sapphire jewelry and she is sure to feel like a queen.

Blue sapphires are also a modern alternative to diamonds for engagement rings. If perhaps you are planning a special birthday proposal for the September baby in your life, a blue sapphire is an excellent choice to represent your love, in addition to the month of her birth.

Pink Sapphires

The hues of pink sapphires range from pale pink to a stunning, vibrant deep pink. But do not get confused with the color red. Red is the only color exception for sapphires; a “red sapphire” is actually a ruby. Pink sapphires are in high demand due to their beautiful peachy color and their excellent light reflection. All the various shades of pink sapphires are considered to be the most universally complementary stone color to all skin tones. No matter what kind of sapphire jewelry you choose, it is sure to dazzle against her skin. A gift of pink sapphire jewelry is also even more meaningful as it represents inner resilience, strength, and good fortune.

Yellow Sapphires

Bright and cheery, a gift of yellow sapphire jewelry is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. This color of the September birthstone can range in shade from greenish-yellow to orangish-yellow. The most popular shade is bright canary yellow. Since fancy-colored yellow diamonds are so popular, a less expensive alternative is yellow sapphire. But you certainly won’t be sacrificing any beauty or brilliance. Yellow sapphires are thought to be bearers of wisdom, prosperity, and good luck. They are also some of the largest cut sapphires, making this shade of the September birthstone the perfect gift for anyone who loves big, bold jewelry.

Padparadscha Sapphires

If you’ve never heard of a padparadscha sapphire, you’re not alone. In fact, this September birthstone is a rare color of the gemstone. It is also one the rarest gemstones in the world! The combination of pink, orange and yellow creates a padparadscha sapphire. Their beauty is unprecedented and extremely striking as they resemble sunsets, lotus flowers, and other tropical settings. The appeal of this gemstone is its uniqueness and rarity, making it the perfect gift for your one-of-a-kind loved one who has a September birthday.

In addition to all these gorgeous colors, there is one more version of sapphire: the white sapphire. Technically speaking, white sapphires are not white. They are simply colorless and transparent since no trace elements are found in the mineral. White sapphires are not to be confused with diamonds, but they do make excellent gifts for those who are fond of brilliant, sparkling gemstones.

No matter what color you’re looking for, Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers has one of the widest assortments of September birthstones in San Diego. From rich blues to vibrant pinks, it’s easy to find the perfect sapphire jewelry gift from our collection. Stop by our San Diego jewelry store today to browse the wide spectrum of sapphires and find the perfect gift to represent your September-born loved one.

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