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Engagement Ring Shopping Tips for Couples

April 13, 2018

Tradition says engagement ring shopping should be done alone. Well, guess what, tradition? It’s 2018, and we beg to differ. There is no specific way one should go about buying an engagement ring. Go alone, go browsing together, or actually purchase the rings together. It’s your love story- you can do whatever you want! Naturally, engagement ring shopping equates to quite a big expense. Don’t you want to at least talk to your future spouse before purchasing a ring you hope they love?
You’re probably thinking:
“But that will completely ruin the surprise!” -but it doesn’t have to! Just because you’ve discussed what you desire in an engagement ring doesn’t mean it will ruin the proposal. Even if you simply go browsing together and try on different engagement rings until you think you’ve found the one, you still have no idea when the proposal will happen! If you truly want to receive the engagement ring of your dreams, it’s best to not make it a guessing game. We believe you should at least discuss your engagement ring preferences. Relationships are about communication, right? Well, communicate what you want! Even better, show each other! For those couples that are brave enough to kick tradition to the curb, here are a few tips to consider when you go engagement ring shopping together.
Couple holding hands featuring their fine jewelry.

Understand the Different Terms for Engagement Rings

Do you know the difference between a solitaire engagement ring and a halo design? What about the difference between channel-set and pavé diamonds? Do you know your loved one’s ring size? Have you thought about the size and shape of the diamond you desire? Or do you prefer a colored gemstone? And most important of all, do you understand the 4Cs of a diamond?
There are so many different engagement ring terms to understand before even beginning the shopping process. Sit down together and talk about these things. Do some research if you have to. You can even create Pinterest boards to compare engagement ring styles and decide what you like and dislike. This will be extremely helpful when you go engagement ring shopping together since you’ll have a clear idea of what you both want.

Discuss Your Budget

We get it, talking about your budget isn’t all that glamorous. But it’s definitely a necessity. Choose a price range and make an agreement to stick to it. It’s still possible to find affordable engagement rings without breaking the bank. And don’t forget about financing! Talk it out and decide if you want to finance part of the ring or the entire ring. Any reputable jeweler will respect your wishes and assist you in finding the perfect engagement ring for your budget.

Make It Fun

Man with woman in Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers showroom trying on rings with Sales
If you’re going to be spending a good amount of time engagement ring shopping together you might as well make it fun! Chances are you’re not going to agree on every little detail. Instead of risking hurt feelings or creating conflict, use a system to rank each ring you try on. Doesn’t it sound way more easygoing to say, “That’s a 1 in my book” rather than, “Ew, that’s hideous”?  Make mental notes of the way your significant other is rating certain rings so you know what they like and dislike. Or better yet, bring a little notebook or use your cell phone to write down actual notes. Don’t let your S.O. read what you’re writing! This way you can decide which ring is the winner in their eyes, and it will be a complete surprise all the way up to the proposal.

Celebrate Your Differences

Marriage is all about two different souls finding each other and choosing to be one. Celebrate these differences by sticking to your own taste and style. Your rings do not have to be identical- heck, they don’t even have to match! Maybe you want a smooth platinum solitaire, but your significant other desires a textured rose gold ring. Purchase the ring that speaks to your other half as an individual. They’ll be wearing it for the rest of their life, so you want to be sure they truly love it. And don’t forget, you can always come to a compromise and decide on a mixed metal style! Try to choose complementing designs that showcase both of your personalities.
And the greatest tip of all…

Consider Custom Design

Jewelers working on repairs at their bench.
What’s the best way to ensure you pick out the absolute perfect ring when you go engagement ring shopping together? Have them custom designed, of course! Sure, it might cost a few extra bucks, but it will totally be worth it when you see your loved one’s expression! You’ll be able to sit down and discuss your desires in depth with your loved one and a custom jeweler San Diego. This will allow you to hash out all the little details while still considering your budget. With custom rings San Diego you both can be involved throughout the entire process so your rings will be everything you hoped for and more. Spending a few extra dollars is well worth the happiness that comes along with the perfect ring.

Engagement Ring Shopping at Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers

We spend our days helping happy couples choose the perfect engagement ring, so we’ve seen every way imaginable to go engagement ring shopping. Couples come in together, couples come in separately, men come in with their significant others’ best friend, women come in with their family and friends, etc. Our point is- you can do whatever you want!
The best part about engagement ring shopping at Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers is our amazing collection. New, vintage, antique, designer, custom engagement rings…you’re bound to find your dream engagement ring in our jewelry store. And on top of that, our friendly staff will help you keep the final decision a surprise. From little details like ring size all the way to the finishing touches (possibly a secret engraving), we’ll make sure engagement ring shopping together doesn’t spoil your big moment.

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